Fine Art

Wave Splashes and Crashes in Pacific Grove California Black and White Fine Art Photography

Wave Splashes and Crashes in Pacific Grove California Black and White Fine Art Photography

Wave Crash Drama along the Pacific Grove Coast

There are often weather alerts for “sneaker waves” for the Monterey Bay coast where I live. Pacific Grove is a quiet small town, right on the coast that is often full of drama. Such was the case on a recent afternoon, so I took my camera with 70-200mm lens (medium telephoto) to see what wave splashes I could capture. When I took the above shot, about 100 shots into the time I was shooting, I knew immediately it was the shot I had been looking for, and that was even before I noticed the birds in it, which just added to the shot. I took a few more photos after that, but I knew I had gotten what I envisioned before even leaving the house. This is something very satisfying and recommended for any photographer, envision what photo you want to get before going out, and then when you get it, you will know.

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Bird Rock Sunset Pebble Beach Fine Art Photographer Winter Twilight

Bird Rock Sunset Pebble Beach Fine Art Photographer Winter Twilight

Bird Rock is one of the best sunset viewing spots along 17 Mile Drive in Pebble Beach California

There are many scenic viewing points along 17 Mile Drive in Pebble Beach, California. I discovered Bird Rock because of a cycling group I was riding with stopped there one evening. Besides the great view, this lookout point has lots of parking and picnic tables and even a restroom. I decided to grab the camera and head out there, by car this time, to get a few shots of the sunset and twilight sky. It’s named Bird Rock for the big rock just offshore that is used as a rookery. Lots of birds were coming home from their day of work to spend the night on Bird Rock.

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Grand Canyon Panorama Fine Art Photography

Grand Canyon Panorama Fine Art Photography

Swinging by the Grand Canyon one afternoon

On a recent trip to Arizona for rural land real estate work, it turned out for one part of it I was only about 1 hour away from the Grand Canyon, so if one can do such a thing, I swung by the Grand Canyon for an afternoon stroll and made these panorama photos of the canyon in less than ideal light, but at least a few clouds swooped in to help add some drama.

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Great Sand Dunes National Park Telephoto Landscapes in Colorado

Great Sand Dunes National Park Telephoto Landscapes in Colorado

Telephoto Dreamscape Views of Sand Dunes in Colorado

This is my second series of photos from Great Sand Dunes National Park in Colorado (wide angle first series here), this time featuring all images made with a telephoto lens (Sony 70-200mm f/2.8 G Master). You may think for landscape photography that automatically it’s best to use a wide angle lens. Many times that is the case, but when you are very far from the subject, even a very large subject like sand dunes, a telephoto lens can bring you in close, and produce a unique looking landscape image. As I was driving in to Sand Dunes National Park, I thought the sand dunes themselves looked fake, like CGI. There were this soft focus, creamy aberration before more solid, corporeal mountains. As I was leaving the park, I pulled over and took out the telephoto lens to capture these dreamscape like images. Tell me the sand dunes do not look like they were put into the photos as digitally created features?

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Tree hole in one in Cloudcroft Black and White Fine Art Photography

Tree hole in one in Cloudcroft Black and White Fine Art Photography

Hole in one through a tree in Cloudcroft

Hiking in Cloudcroft, New Mexico I came across a fallen tree on the side of a steep bank. It appeared hollowed out at the bottom, but to my surprise, stooping over I could see light at the end of the tunnel. The tree is a hole in one hollow all the way up. I have no idea how this happens to a poor tree. It was interesting to imagine going up all the way through the tree and who knows what dimension I might come out on the other side! I thought black and white processing added to the mystery.

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Valley of Fires New Mexico in Black and White

Valley of Fires New Mexico in Black and White

The struggle of flora in the Valley of Fires

This was a return to Valley of Fires walking through a different area than three years ago (check out those photos and drone video). This time I observed how the flora of the desert struggled even more to live around and actually on the vast lava field. To highlight this struggle I converted the images to black and white for impact. On the side of a long empty, desert road, I think Valley of Fires definitely qualifies as a hidden gem of New Mexico. It offers exploring for all levels from just observing from afar and up top the vast expanse of this lava field, to walking as far as you want right through the jagged lava formations. If you really like Valley of Fires, you can even camp there. Check out the map below to visit this hidden gem of miles of lava in the middle of nowhere in New Mexico.

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White Sands National Park Sunset Photography July 2021

White Sands National Park Sunset Photography July 2021

Closer to White Sands but still a world apart

White Sands National Park outside of Alamogordo, New Mexico is easily the most photographed natural wonder for me in the state. I have had the opportunity to visit this amazing place three times in the past seven months alone. Each time I go the views and the sands are different. This time I did not have the chance to wonder very far to some little trod on area, but I made the best of this near parking lot location by looking even more for the dance between shadow and light and the sunset. As it has been since I got it last year, the Sony 12-24mm f/2.8 G Master lens is an absolute rock star at White Sands. Which of these views is your favorite this time?

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